Sunday, February 17, 2008

Starting Over

Oh, that's right, I have a diet blog, don't I?

I fully intended to kick-off 2008 with a review of the Beck Diet Solution, but then I got busy with being too depressed to do anything but eat lots of comfort food and blow off my gym membership. And then I went to Europe, where I continued to eat lots (and lots) of comfort food but walked until I almost wore my feet down to the ankles. Now I'm home again and 15 pounds heavier than when I last signed into Blogger.

That's right, in less than 2 months, I've undone half the work I put into my diet last year. That realization is no cure for my depression, but still I'm feeling ready to rejoin my life, already in progress. So on with the diet.

Tomorrow I'll start with Day One of the program by reviewing my reasons for losing weight.

I also had planned to get back to the gym, going to my water aerobics class and my step aerobics class, as well as going for a walk with a friend. Instead, I tripped over my own feet today and ripped off a toenail.

Such a world of pain. Certainly the physical pain of tearing flesh like that, also the emotional pain of looking at the bloody stump that is my big toe now (I'm fighting my gag reflex just typing about it), but most importantly the spiritual pain of having my exercise plan thwarted. Because ripped-off toenail = no pool, no walking comfortably, no putting weight on my foot until my toe heals.

In a really lame application of "the bright side", at least my cravings are focused on Schedule II narcotics now instead of cheese danish.

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