Monday, September 10, 2007

WEEK 8: High-stakes Gambling

Still a little nervous heading into the eighth week, partly because of the disappointments of last week and partly because I'm headed to Las Vegas, where dieting is almost illegal. But because of last week, I'm doubly determined to not gain weight on vacation.

I have printed out my travel plan and I'll read it every day. I'm also taking my Beck Diet Solution book, ARC, and other Response Cards. I'll read the book as necessary, but clearly I still need to read my ARC and Response Cards every day.

My food plan for the week is set, although not written down. The friend I'm traveling with has agreed to help me stick to it by following it with me.

And I'm taking almost everything I'll need to exercise while I'm there, for both working out in the fitness center and swimming in the pool. The exception is I'm going to pick up a noodle once I get there; a Las Vegas birdie tells me this amazing store has them -- at only 99 cents of course!

So I think I'm prepared to stick with my diet this week. I am going to abandon the To-do List again, and I'm going to delay working on my enrichment project again (after completely forgetting about it last week!). It will be a big enough challenge just following my travel plan. And I really, really, really don't want to backslide this week, but even more, I'd like to lose the last 1/2 lb. on my current 5-lb. goal...

That's right, I lost 1 1/2 lbs. this week! That's almost a bad thing, since I don't want to encourage myself to think I can relax on my diet and still lose weight. But I am pleased that my less-than-stellar performance last week didn't cause permanent damage. Plus, having a goal of losing 1/2 lb. while in Sin City should help me stay on the straight and narrow!

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