Sunday, September 30, 2007

WEEK 10: Recap

This wasn't a good week; I did not fulfill the promise of my mid-week optimism.

For starters, I never went to the gym to renew my membership and I never got around to other exercise. Now I'm feeling like a fat lump and worrying about the weigh-in tomorrow. I haven't been weighing myself much this week since I didn't want any bad news, so I'm not sure how I'll do tomorrow. Fingers crossed that it's not a gain at least.

Then I spaced out about looking at my To-do List on Thursday and Saturday. Such a simple goal this week and I couldn't keep it up; I'm feeling a little down now. But following Dr. Beck's advice, I'm not going to let it keep me down. One of my goals for next week will be rereading my ARC and Response Cards every day to stay strong and motivated.

Finally, I had another of my parties yesterday and it went all right, but mostly by accident. I ate a small dinner before the party, which helps me say no to temptations on the buffet, but my mindset at the buffet was, "Hm, what looks good?" The good news is that I'm still thinking like a thin person; I admired the chocolate chip cookies and the potato chips and the fudge, but I didn't eat any of it. The bad news is that I did eat, almost without thinking, 6 of those aram sandwich slices with turkey. Comparatively speaking, they were a healthy choice, but I didn't need 6 of them, and I definitely didn't need to eat without thinking about it. Especially because then I couldn't say no to the big chewy ginger cookies and I ate 3 of those. So there's another example of how I need to refocus myself on the Beck Diet Solution to continue my progress!

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