Monday, October 15, 2007

WEEK 13: Fingers Crossed

Bad news/good news to kick off this thirteenth week: I only lost 1/2 lb., but that's proof positive that I'm not dying (whew!) and that exercise really is the key to my dieting success.

So my goal this week is to keep up with my exercise, which may be another "exercise" in futility since I'm traveling again for a few days. But last week's trip taught me I need to watch my eating more and I've got an exercise plan too; the hotel has a pool that's open very late (so no excuses for not fitting in a swim) and it has a free exercise room, so I can also do some time on the treadmill and lift some weights.

Fingers crossed that I get my diet back on track; I'd cross my toes too, but it's hard to exercise like that!

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