Thursday, July 26, 2007

DAY 4: To-do List

My fourth day's results:

I read my Advantages Response Card at least twice.

I read other Response Cards as needed.

I created a reminder system for giving myself credit.

I sat down when I ate: Every Time

I gave myself credit for sitting down to eat: Some of the Time


Wow, it's hard to remember to give myself credit. I like doing it; it does make me feel good to tell myself I'm doing a good job. I even pat myself on the back, literally, and that does encourage me. But I rarely remembered to think about my helpful behaviors.

Sometimes I remembered later and I'm reviewing all the reasons I deserve credit now, but I'm dithering over whether to count those as giving myself credit when I didn't remember at the time. Which is silly, since the point is to congratulate myself, regardless of when I do it. I just think it would be more effective if it were instant instead of delayed. So I'm trying to come up with a way to keep credit-giving on my mind. Hmmm...

I did give myself credit twice and I completed my to-do list today, so my credit bank stands at $0.75. Already 3 percent of the way towards dinner!

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