Wednesday, April 9, 2008

DAY 3: But Not Resting on my Laurels

I slid back into this saddle quite easily. For the last 3 days, I've been automatically sitting when I eat, although I still had the same question about whether it counts when I lick the spoon after stirring or tasting my meal mid-preparation. I've decided the answer is that I am focused on what I'm putting in my mouth, so I'm meeting the spirit of today's step, if not the letter.

I've also jumped ahead a little to Day 14 by writing out a daily food plan every night. Thinking in advance what I'm going to eat helps me stick to eating only that (thereby preventing the binging!).

While I'm creating my food plans, I'm also counting calories. It's going much better than last time, partly because I've just been doing the math in my head instead of writing down the numbers in my food diary (OK, I've jumped ahead to Day 15 too). But mostly it's going better because I'm sticking to 1,200 calories a day so this time the numbers make me happy instead of suicidal.

But if I start slipping too far over 1,200 or eyeing food that isn't on my food plan, I have my self-invented Mantra Card (AKA an abbreviated Response Card) to stiffen my resolve:

I might not want to give up these behaviors, but I'll enjoy being thinner so much more.

I'm already enjoying it right now: I've lost weight in the last 3 days! This is a good start on meeting my first goal (so yeah, I've jumped ahead to Day 10 too). I'm just rarin' to go!

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