Sunday, August 5, 2007

DAY 14: Today's Specials

The second week ends on creating a daily food plan.

The Slim-Fast plan I'm following is already a general food plan: I have a shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch, a sensible dinner, and 3 snacks throughout the day. But Dr. Beck suggests doing this task anyway and going into greater detail with what I'll eat, how much I'll eat, and what time of day I'll eat it.

I prefer a little more spontaneity within the confines of my diet, so I'm not eagerly embracing this task. But I'll give it a shot, because I do see the benefit of planning specifically as an extra safeguard against unplanned eating and overeating. So I'll write out a food plan each night after dinner for the following day. I'll also think ahead a day or two to do any necessary shopping or preparation (like thawing or marinating) in time.

In addition, I'm finally going to fulfill the Day 12 task today. I will skip lunch (again) and I have my Discomfort Scale already filled out and my Hunger Discomfort Scale set up and ready to go.

I've also resolved to make it to the gym today after 2 days without planned exercise!

In addition, my friend and I started our contest today with our first weigh-in. My current weight is 194.5 so I'll need to get down to 174.5 to win. That's a heady number for me; it's close to the lightest I've ever weighed as an adult. That will be a double reason to celebrate that win!

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