Sunday, August 12, 2007

DAY 21: Downward Trend

The third week ends with a task to create a weight-loss chart.

Dr. Beck uses this step to stress the importance of weighing in (it builds confidence, keeps you honest, strengthens commitment), while she counsels against getting hung up on the number on the scale or letting a gain or smaller-than-expected loss discourage you.

She also mentions weighing yourself every day to desensitize yourself to the number on the scale. I do weigh myself almost every day, but I find it encouraging whether I'm smaller, the same, or even a little bigger. In any event it encourages my continued hard work or it drives me to work harder.

Therefore it's not just a guess that my weight-loss chart will feature a downward trend after tomorrow's weigh-in... So my chart is made and ready for action!

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