Friday, August 17, 2007

DAY 26: To-do List

Here are my results for today:

I read my Advantages Response Card, NO CHOICE card, and It's Not Okay and Get Back on Track Response Cards at least twice.

I read other Response Cards as needed.

I ate slowly, sitting down and noticing every bite: Most Times

I gave myself credit when I engaged in helpful dieting behaviors: Most Times

I did spontaneous exercise: Every Time

I did planned exercise.

I monitored everything I ate in writing.

I wrote out a food plan for tomorrow.

I worked toward accepting what I have to do to lose weight (Oh, well).

I identified the thinking mistakes that correspond to my common sabotaging thoughts.


I had hoped today would be a restful, lazy day after the stress of yesterday. I did get to sleep in, but then I had too much to catch up on. First I helped out my friend with some of her opening-day problems, but then I came home and made myself a priority.

That made an incredible difference in my day. I accomplished a lot of things on my life's To-do List, and I also did much better with the Beck Diet Solution tasks.

For instance, I followed my food plan with an emphasis on eating everything. In the end, I skipped only a snack, so that was much better.

Also, I ate breakfast away from the distractions of the TV and computer, and I ate more mindfully in general, but this area still needs work. Again, my resolution for tomorrow is to eat at least breakfast and lunch without distractions.

Then, I didn't feel much like exercising; when I'm stressed out I prefer the comfort of a warm bed to physical exertion. But I made myself do it anyway (saying "oh, well"), and I really enjoyed it. I went for a long walk and the enforced time away from all distractions did allow me to let go of some of my worries and anxieties, so it was relaxing as well as invigorating.

I did forget my temporary tattoo again, but I remembered to give myself credit almost every time. If I apply the tattoo tomorrow morning, I'm sure I'll remember every time, so I will apply it and build up my credit account even more!

And on that subject, since I haven't gotten away to a movie yet, now I'm thinking of applying the account balance to some new clothes. Everything in my closet is getting so baggy that it would be nice to have something that fit better and showed off the new me a little more. Thanks to my favorite clothing store, $23 could buy a whole new outfit... Now I just have to find the time to go shopping!

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