Tuesday, August 7, 2007

DAY 16: Where There's a Will

The task for Day 16 is to instill myself with will power against unplanned eating.

This task builds on Day 14's food planning and elaborates on Day 13's anti-craving techniques by addressing how to handle food I didn't plan to eat but I am craving. Dr. Beck states that the way to keep myself on plan is to stand firm: "Tell yourself that you don't have a choice. You made a plan, and you'll follow that plan -- no ifs, ands, or buts."

If only it were that easy! Most of my adult life I've been acutely aware that my overeating was making me fatter and fatter, but I've never been strong enough to stop it for long.

In the past 15 days the Beck Diet Solution has shown me I'm stronger than I thought. But I haven't had that strength tested, so I don't feel confident that I'm strong enough to look a box of doughnuts in the eye and tell myself: NO CHOICE. But I'm going to give it a whirl.

The first step is to create another Response Card with the words NO CHOICE. I'll read this twice every day with my ARC and whenever I need a reminder to stand firm.

The second step is to establish a rule for myself: I must follow my food plan. NO CHOICE.

The third step is to establish more eating rules to follow. These rules will develop over time and strengthen my will power further. At least, that's the idea.

I am nervous about this task. I've never been good at making myself do things I don't want to do (and vice versa), and my success on the program so far isn't doing enough to allay my fear.

In other news, I have a gig today. This is a good thing, but it does mean missing one of my classes at the gym. To make up for it, I'll be taking public transit and walking a total of 6 miles to and from my destination. Then I'll be home in time to make my second class and fit in some weight training. That covers exercise and for food, I'll take lunch and 2 snacks and my ARC with me, so there should be no problem sticking to my food plan too. I feel good about being prepared, which counteracts my concern about further unsettling my schedule.

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