Wednesday, August 22, 2007

DAY 31: To-do List

My progress today:

I read my Advantages Response Card, NO CHOICE card, and It's Not Okay and Get Back on Track Response Cards at least twice.

I read other Response Cards as needed.

I ate slowly, sitting down and noticing every bite: Most Times

I gave myself credit when I engaged in helpful dieting behaviors: Every Time

I did spontaneous and planned exercise.

I wrote a food plan for tomorrow and monitored everything I ate in writing.

I dealt effectively with issues of unfairness and discouragement.

I dealt effectively with issues of unfairness and discouragement.

I decided how much and how often I'll drink alcohol.


I'm improving at eating mindfully, although I'm still struggling to give up the TV and the computer while I eat. And I did slightly better at eating everything on my food plan, skipping only a snack and the vegetables at dinner.

I knew I wouldn't make it to the gym because of another commitment (plus the unpleasant substitute is still teaching the first class and I haven't made up my mind about the focus of the second class), but I made up for missing that exercise by swimming laps in a friend's pool.

I had hoped to also squeeze in an aerobics workout at home. I checked out a few exercise videos from the library, including an introduction to Tae-Bo. I know, I know, I'm about 10 years behind, but I thought now was as good a time as any to find out what's so great about Tae-Bo. I still don't know though since I couldn't find the time today, but I've got the tapes for the rest of the week...

And my temporary tattoo worked like gangbusters today -- I remembered to give myself credit every time! That's a cause for celebration, but I'm "on the wagon" today! I'm planning a cocktail at another birthday dinner tomorrow, so I'll toast to myself then!

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