Saturday, August 4, 2007

DAY 13: To-do List

Today my results were better:

I read my Advantages Response Card at least twice.

I read other Response Cards as needed.

I ate slowly, sitting down and noticing every bite: Every Time

I gave myself credit when I engaged in helpful dieting behaviors: Most Times

I did spontaneous exercise: Some Times

--- I did planned exercise.

I skipped lunch to tolerate feeling hungry.

I planned how I'll tolerate cravings.

TBD I tolerated a craving.


Yesterday's scheduling troubles rattled me and I didn't really rally today. For instance, I did skip lunch again to satisfy the Day 12 task but I forgot again to record my Discomfort Scale and my Hunger Discomfort Chart. So I'll be skipping lunch again tomorrow.

Missing lunch again was no problem, and in fact I also skipped one of my snacks with no ill effects. More importantly, I didn't experience any cravings again today, which is disappointing since I couldn't practice my anti-craving techniques. I should be glad that I'm not struggling, but I'm perversely upset that I can't experience the triumph of beating one!

I continue to triumph over distractions so that I'm eating mindfully even while having dinner with a friend. But that social event disrupted my planned exercise and I didn't get back to it by the end of the day, which is also disappointing. I feel pretty bad that I've missed 2 days in a row, but I'm trying to keep perspective. Giving my body an occasional rest is not such a bad idea, but I'll want definitely to make it to the gym tomorrow.

Remembering to give myself credit seemed easier today, but finally, I've taken steps to implement a reminder system! I ultimately decided the Italian charm bracelet idea was too involved, but I hit on something else: temporary tattoos. I love the look of tattoos, but I'm not a fan of the pain or the necessary commitment (is someone really going to want cartoon dogs on his bicep forever and ever?). So I prefer the temporary kind and my idea is to wear a different one on my forearm each day, to serve as a reminder to give myself credit! I have a few stashed away, but I just placed a bid on eBay for a bunch more so I can make it through the remaining 39 days of the program. I love this idea and believe it will work, and I'm incredibly proud that I'm finally making progress on a reminder system!

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