Friday, August 17, 2007

DAY 26: How Was I Thinking?

Today's task is recognizing the thinking mistakes behind our sabotaging thoughts.

Dr. Beck explains that our thoughts, particularly those sabotaging ones we have about our diets, aren't necessarily true but we believe them anyway because we're not thinking straight -- we're making "thinking mistakes".

She lists 9 common thinking mistakes, and I recognized myself in 7 of them:
  1. All or Nothing Thinking: You see things in only two categories when there's really a middle ground.
    Example: Either I'm 100% successful or I'm a failure and may as well give up dieting.

  2. Negative Fortune Telling: You predict the future negatively without considering other possible outcomes.
    Example: Since I didn't lose weight this week, I'll never be able to lose weight.

  3. Overly Positive Fortune Telling.
    This has never been one of my problems. That glass is always half-empty.

  4. Emotional Reasoning: You think your ideas must be true even though objective evidence says not.
    Example: I feel like I just have to have something sweet right now.

  5. Mind Reading.
    I have enough trouble figuring out what's going on in my head without trying to figure out other people.

  6. Self-Deluding Thinking: You rationalize by telling yourself things you don't really believe at other times.
    Example: It won't matter if I give in to my cravings.

  7. Unhelpful Rules: You mandate actions without taking circumstances into consideration. Example: I can't waste food.

  8. Justification: You link two unrelated concepts (to justify your eating).
    Example: I deserve to eat this because I'm so stressed out.

  9. Exaggerated Thinking: You make a situation seem greater or worse than it really is.
    Example: I have no will power.

Honestly, these example thoughts from the book could be direct quotes from me. Before the Beck Diet Solution, this is exactly how I thought. Since my abrupt transformation on the program, I seem to be thinking straight for the first time in my life. But it's helpful to be aware of the pitfalls that could lie ahead.

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