Thursday, August 2, 2007

DAY 11: To-do List

My results for today are:

I read my Advantages Response Card at least twice.

I read other Response Cards as needed.

I ate slowly, sitting down and noticing every bite: Every Time

I gave myself credit when I engaged in helpful dieting behaviors: Every Time

I did spontaneous exercise: Every Time

I did planned exercise.

I rated my hunger on the Hunger Monitoring Chart.


It turns out I really do know the difference between hunger, desire, and cravings. No surprise there.

What this exercise surprised me with was how unhungry I was today. I never got above a 4 on a hunger scale of 1-10, and I was at 0 for most of the day, even at mealtimes. It wasn't that I was eating so much (in fact I skipped one of my snacks), I just didn't need food. What I'm discovering on the Beck Diet Solution program is that in the past, even when I was eating a reasonable amount of food (and losing weight), it was still probably more food than I really needed. One part of me worries that suddenly finding food unnecessary is the slippery slope to anorexia, but most of me rejoices at the freedom from overeating!

Another surprise is that I didn't want food either. I didn't suffer any of the desires or cravings that were daily occurrences before I started this program. And that wasn't unique to today; I can't remember any real desires or cravings since I started this program either. Wow!

The day did have a hitch in it though; I had an exercise class this afternoon, but I opted to skip it so I'd have enough time to prepare for a guest (my house was a mess). I felt disappointed that I wouldn't have time to go to the class, which is actually a positive thing because learning to love and therefore miss exercise is better than winning the lottery... well, as good as winning the lottery anyway.

And even more positively, I still got my exercise with an hour-long walk this evening.

And most positively, I remembered to give myself credit for that and my other good behaviors today. I hit the trifecta!

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