Monday, August 20, 2007

DAY 29: Push Off

Week 5 begins with learning to resist people who push food on you.

My problem has never been people trying to push food on me; my worst enemy has always been myself. "Lead me not into temptation -- I can find it myself."

At worst, the people in my life are passive pushers; their own diet habits are bad so that when I'm with them, out of politeness they offer me things I shouldn't eat. I used to be only too happy to accept those offers, particularly the friend who seems to have a never-ending supply of these tempting morsels. Now that I'm on the Beck Diet Solution program, if they offer anything I don't want, I just say no, and that's the end of it.

Should anyone be persistent, I'm so stubborn that when someone insists I do something I don't want to do, it only strengthens my resolve. So I'm not worried about resisting food pushers; I have a polite but firm "No".

So I didn't bother with a cost analysis chart; I'm fully aware of the costs of my overeating and I don't believe there are any costs to another person if I don't eat.

Today's step doesn't offer much help for me, but the rest of this week focusing on overcoming challenges looks much more promising. Upcoming titles indicate Dr. Beck will discuss the issues of eating in restaurants and at parties, eating on vacation, and emotional eating, all of which have been trouble for me. So I'm still hanging in here.

For encouragement, I only had to step on the scale for today's official weigh-in. I've lost another 2.5 lbs! Which means I could reach my 5 lbs. goal in the first 3 weeks! YAHOO! (Incidentally, it also means I won the first week of the 20 lbs contest so I'm also $25 richer and that much closer to a free massage!)

Such great progress calls for a graph update and a ticker update:

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