Tuesday, August 28, 2007

DAY 37: To-do List

My results at T minus 5 days:

I read my Advantages Response Card, NO CHOICE card, and It's Not Okay, Get Back on Track, and Believe It! Response Cards at least twice.

I read other Response Cards as needed.

I ate slowly, sitting down and noticing every bite: Most Times

I gave myself credit when I engaged in helpful dieting behaviors: Every Time

I wrote a food plan for tomorrow and monitored everything I ate in writing.

I did spontaneous and planned exercise.

I worked toward changing my unreasonable rules for myself and others.

I planned how I'll reduce stress.


Not surprisingly, I didn't stop imposing unreasonable rules on myself and other people today, but I did make some efforts. One of the important things I realized is that I have to consider which battles are worth fighting and which ones I should just walk away from, consequences be damned. Sometimes being right isn't worth the stress of proving it.

And sitting in the hot tub and getting massages on a regular basis would chill me out pretty well too!

I did all right with my other tasks today. Dinner was a challenge because it was out with some friends on what is often a drinking occasion. But I opted not to include alcohol on my food plan and I wasn't even tempted when everyone around me was having a drink. That's the good news about my food plan. The bad news is that once again my effort to plan ahead was foiled by an unadvertised change in menu. This is a bar we've been frequenting for over a year, so I thought I was safe planning to order my usual. But they completely retooled the menu since last time, and my usual wasn't on the new menu (nor were many appropriate substitutions). So I don't feel good about the meal I ended up choosing, and I'm a little discouraged about the planning ahead concept.

Eating with friends was also a continuing challenge to my eating mindfully, moreso tonight than ever before. I found myself popping food into my mouth almost without pause, just like the old me would have done. I kept catching myself and trying to do better, then falling right back into the habit once I got distracted. I was relieved when dinner was over and I could concentrate on just talking!

Finally, I skipped lunch and a snack today, which is disappointing after how much better I was doing, but tomorrow is another day.

As for exercise, since I had dinner with friends, it meant skipping one of my exercise classes today. But I made it to the first one and also did some weight training. The benefits of the weights are starting to become obvious: my shoulders are looking super-defined and my thighs are like marble underneath their layers of fat!

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