Wednesday, August 8, 2007

DAY 17: Just Say No to Food

The seventeenth step in the Beck Diet Solution is practicing leaving food on my plate in an attempt to end overeating.

This idea would have been a challenge for me not long ago. I was raised to clean my plate, no excuses, so I always have, even as an adult when I knew better.

Since I started this program though, that has changed because I've been eating slowly and mindfully. Just by doing that, I haven't always been able to finish a reasonable snack or meal: those cherries, that popcorn, even dinner! Plus I'm just not eating as much these days (in fact sometimes I eat because I should rather than because I want to), so I don't anticipate any problems with leaving food on my plate.

It will be slightly harder to give up the taboo on wasting food so I created this response card, edited slightly for my circumstances:

Sabotaging Thought: I hate to waste food.
Helpful Response: Which is better: wasting food or overeating and gaining weight? The truth is that the extra food will either go to waste in my body or go to waste in the garbage. Either way, it'll go to waste. And no matter what I heard from my parents when I was growing up, cleaning my plate isn't a good thing.

Also, I will be skipping the gym again today in favor of resting and icing my shin splints. I'm disappointed again, especially because I have another gig tomorrow so I'll be skipping the gym for a third day in a row. The good thing about tomorrow is I definitely won't be walking on the job, and maybe I'll be healed enough to make up for the missed class with a walk.

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