Wednesday, August 29, 2007

DAY 38: To-do List

Here's how today went:

I read my Advantages Response Card, NO CHOICE card, and It's Not Okay, Get Back on Track, and Believe It! Response Cards at least twice.

I read other Response Cards as needed.

I ate slowly, sitting down and noticing every bite: Most Times

I gave myself credit when I engaged in helpful dieting behaviors: Every Time

I wrote a food plan for tomorrow and monitored everything I ate in writing.

I did spontaneous and planned exercise.

I planned what I'll do when I reach a plateau.


Today was an incredible credit day! I did a lot to deserve credit and I remembered to give it to myself. My remembering was thanks in part to the shooting stars tattoo on my forearm, but also I'm just naturally getting better at remembering. Perhaps someday soon I'll be able to remember where I've left my sunglasses...

I was also a champ at mindful eating; I ate slowly and mindfully all day long, except for a snack in front of the TV. Unfortunately I did skip lunch though.

At long last, I finally made a decision about the Pilates class: it's too yoga-centric for my tastes and it's hard to get to on time since it directly follows my aqua circuit class, so I'm dropping it. (That turned out to be a fortuitous decision because the aqua circuit class ran long tonight and I would have missed most of the Pilates anyway.) But I do want to replace the Pilates with something; I'm checking the class schedule for another convenient class or I might check out more exercise videos from the library so that I can work out more at home.

Some exercise obstacles ahead:

I have a one-day gig tomorrow and dinner with friends, so I won't be getting to the gym at all. I am planning to work in plenty of walking on the job, but I'll be missing a weight training session. Hopefully I can make that up the following day.

And I found out today that the gym's pool will be closed for a week for cleaning and renovation. Since I get half of my exercise in that pool, this is cause for panic concern. I will be able to use the pools at other YMCAs, but they're all at least 30 minutes away and the two closest involve parking challenges, putting additional strain on my motivation to exercise. So I've started planning now what I might do to replace that exercise!

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