Wednesday, August 8, 2007

DAY 17: To-do List

My results today:

I read my Advantages Response Card and NO CHOICE card at least twice.

I read other Response Cards as needed.

I ate slowly, sitting down and noticing every bite: Every Time

I gave myself credit when I engaged in helpful dieting behaviors: Most Times

I did spontaneous exercise: Every Time

--- I did planned exercise.

I monitored everything I ate in writing.

I wrote out a food plan for tomorrow.

I practiced not overeating.


For dinner tonight, I served myself a double portion of spaghetti squash with marinara sauce and I had no problem not eating both servings. Actually, I surprised myself by not even finishing my first portion! I was just too full.

I didn't add an unallowed food to my plate too, because I just wasn't hungry and it seemed like overkill. Still, I feel like I've satisfied this task so I won't be repeating it tomorrow. I liked Dr. Beck's suggestion that I repeat the step in preparation for tempting events like a party or dinner out, so I'll try that.

In the end, here's how my food plan worked out today:

Again I didn't eat all of my snacks, in addition to not eating all of my dinner, but again I didn't feel hungry or deprived. I continue to be torn between not eating too much and eating enough, but as long as I'm not hungry, I guess it's OK.

Even with the shin splints and without going to the gym today, I managed some exercise. I was running a lot of errands and practiced the "spontaneous" exercise of parking at the furthest end of the parking lots. My shins were still a little tender, but the rest and ice helped and I felt quite proud of myself for making the effort to get moving.

Grocery shopping was one of those errands and being surrounded by all those dangerous foods didn't even phase me. Whenever my my eyes lit on something tempting, I automatically looked away, apparently subconciously telling myself NO CHOICE. It's wonderful to be able to do that without a struggle!

I remembered to give myself credit for that behavior, as well as some others. I was using the same temporary tattoo again because it hasn't worn off, so it seemed wasteful to take it off and put on a fresh one. Also, since I barely saw it yesterday under my long sleeves, I hoped it would be a fresh reminder, but it's effect didn't seem strong enough.

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