Sunday, December 2, 2007

WEEK 19: Recap

Wow, after a month of blogging every day, I kind of missed not posting anything yesterday. Maybe I need to rethink posting every day in December. It would be so helpful for my diet -- maybe my goal can be posting almost every day?

But now for my regularly-scheduled program: I did very well with my goals this week. Not perfect, but I think they'll have the desired effect (i.e., losing weight while celebrating my birthday).

My eating was amazing, considering I had 3 birthday dinners in one week. Last night's final hurrah was at a Chinese restaurant, which posed a challenge. Everything was served family-style, so it was hard to figure out what "half" of my entree would be. But I managed; I had a little of this and a little of that and didn't even reach full. Which is just as well because my friends surprised me with a gi-normous chocolate cake for dessert! Oh, it was so sinful! Oh!

A slice of that cake met one of my sub-goals: to eat no more than 2 slices of birthday cake this week. And the cocktail I had at dinner the other night means I met another sub-goal: no more than 1 cocktail this week. Eating no more than half my restaurant entrees was a little trickier, so I know I'll need to focus more on my new Response Card on celebrating. I also skipped reading my ARC and Response Cards one day, and I just never managed to read them immediately before this week's parties and dinners, but all the times I did read them definitely helped keep my eating under control this week, so I'm feeling pretty good about this goal.

I'm feeling marvelous about my second goal: exercise at least 8 times. Not only did I meet this goal, I exceeded it! I worried I wouldn't be able to fit in any exercise over the weekend, but I managed a session on the rowing machine on Saturday and then a long walk on Sunday! Simply amazing; I'm so proud of myself.

So I'm going into tomorrow's weigh-in with a good feeling. Or maybe that's the chocolate-cake-induced endorphins, but whatever, I'm liking it.

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