Thursday, December 13, 2007

Week 21: Progress Report

No news is not always good news... There's been absolutely no progress on my goals this week, and that's definitely not good news.

I haven't been feeling strong enough to exercise (just grocery shopping was exhausting), and I'm feeling very flabby and fat.

Also, I forgot all about reading my ARC and Response Cards till just now. I must concentrate long enough to remember to read them once I log off the computer!

Finally, I've been making some really lousy food choices. I had a delicious and nutritious dinner planned for tonight, but it was just too much work to make it. So I substituted gorging on sugar instead. No, it wasn't good for my diet or for my tetchy stomach or for my self-esteem. I just feel flabbier and fatter.

I want Santa to bring me a stronger immune system. And a flatter stomach. And a new car. (You know, if you're reading this, Santa...)

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