Tuesday, December 18, 2007

WEEK 22-2: From the Slopes of Mt. Everest

Yesterday's goal was met! I went for a walk and completed my usual route! It did take me about 10 minutes longer than usual, but I wasn't pushing myself, I was just taking it easy. Nonetheless, I really got a work-out. But my muscles enjoyed it and so did I. I really have missed exercise.

So today's goal is more of the same. I remembered that tonight is the last class taught by my favorite teacher, so my goal is to make it to the gym for that. I'm not sure how much energy I'll be able to give it, but I'm not looking to crest the mountain, just start the climb.

Today has another goal too. Last night, after my walk, I gave in to the munchies and just went crazy with tortilla chips, salsa, crackers, peanut butter, and jam. Not all together, but they still added up. So today I'm going to stick to this food plan:


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