Saturday, December 22, 2007

WEEK 22-6: Walking the Walk

I guess I'm just a party girl at heart, because I couldn't completely avoid that pity party yesterday. I went to a dinner party but I arrived late and not feeling very well, so I just said my hellos and good-byes and went home before eating. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself that I was too sick to have fun, and my food plan was shot since it included the dinner party, so when I got home I had some soup and some chocolate. That's less damage than the big dinner would have been, but giving in to chocolate doesn't seem like a solid move. So I'm not sure whether yesterday's goal was successfully met?

Moving on, I'm feeling much better today (both physically and emotionally) so today's goal is to get some exercise. It's been 5 days since I've had any exercise and 18 days since I've exercised regularly, so I'm long overdue. I finally feel up to it, and with no more pressing activities on my schedule today, I'm ready! It'll be great to get moving again and the emotional boost will be appreciated too.

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