Wednesday, December 26, 2007

WEEK 23-3: Back to Work

Yesterday was certainly merry, if not for my diet. I went a little crazy with the fried eggs and pancakes (although I managed to stop at 2 syrup-dripping cakes instead of my usual 4) and then I ate at least a day's-calories worth of some chocolate-caramel crunchies. Wow, were they delicious and so not anything I needed to binge on.

Now that the holidays are over, it's back to work on the Beck Diet Solution. We're less than a week away from a whole new year and my dream is to start that year in fighting condition. Since I seem to be (relatively) healthy again, that means it's time to go back to the gym. So today's goal is to attend my step aerobics class this evening or to take a walk.

Ready. Set. Go!

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