Friday, December 14, 2007

WEEK 21-5: My Blue Period

Physically I'm feeling better, but emotionally I'm feeling a little blue. I'm just tired of being sick and it's getting me down.

The good news is I am feeling better physically, much better, so much so that I think I can manage a walk tomorrow. I may not be very fast, and I may need to take a rest stop or two, but I'm going to walk my normal route and see how it goes. At the very least, the endorphins will cheer me up.

I also did better with my eating today. Some friends invited me to dinner and I almost said no because I'm still a little sniffly for public consumption. But then I realized I wouldn't have to summon the energy to make my own dinner (or default to something convenient and fattening), so I went. I had a good time and a healthful meal (which I only ate half of, doing a great job with my restaurant plan!).

So things can only get better, right? Please?

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