Saturday, November 3, 2007

WEEK 15-6: Have a Seat!

Sitting while eating is proving a more challenging habit than the first time around. Since a lot of my eating today was squeezed in around other tasks, I found myself forgetting several times and getting up to walk around and do other things as I ate. I really do need to start reading my Response Cards again; that daily affirmation helped me keep up with so many good habits.

Unfortunately, there's no time for Response Cards today. I'm plowing through a lot of work, so even exercise is looking like a no-go today. I've got a lot of work to finish in a short amount of time, so exercise and dieting in general are going to be on the back burner for a few days.

Even more unfortunately, I did find time for gelato today. It was dulce de leche and it was so gooood. It filled me up and still I was fantasizing about another scoop. That's the good news anyway; that second scoop was only a fantasy!

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