Wednesday, November 7, 2007

WEEK 16-3: Pride Goeth Before A Weak Muscle

I was feeling quietly smug about how strong I feel and how toned I look these days. I can lift 20-lb. cat food bags with ease, my collarbone is so defined you could slice bread with it, and my thighs are so hard you might believe the flesh and bone had been replaced with some bionic component.

But I was confusing strong with stronger. It's true I'm not as weak as I used to be and I am more toned, but I have been humbled to discover how much further I have to go to reach "strong".

I'm taking a workshop on developing my core muscles, and after just 2 meetings I'm in a world of hurt I never would have believed in.

The first time we focused on exercises for the transverse abdominals (basically the muscular girdle around the midsection). The hardest was an Ab Pike, which we started with on a towel on the floor instead of on a stability ball. I was so weak I couldn't support myself on my arms with my legs extended (as in a push-up position), so I dropped to my knees (as in a girl push-up position). Even then, as I pulled my hips up and dropped them back again, my arms couldn't take the strain and I had to drop to my elbows. Even then, my core got such a work-out that 2 days later, every cough or laugh still makes me wince in pain.

After that session, I was convinced I was an utter weakling and I wasn't sure I was fit enough to even continue the workshop. But I persevered and went back for the second session which featured punishing my quadriceps. We did lunges and squats until I thought my thighs might burst into flames! And then I went to a step aerobics class!

That last paragraph could serve as an exhibit at my commitment hearing, but the continued exercise was actually a good thing. It kept my sore muscles from freezing up, so even though I'm still in a little pain now, it's nothing compared to a few hours ago and my legs are feeling loose and flexible.

But I still won't be leaping any buildings in a single bound for a long time to come.

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