Monday, November 5, 2007

WEEK 16: Knocking on Heaven's Door

Proof positive that exercise makes all the difference to my weight-loss effort: giving my all in my classes last week burned off another 2 1/2 lbs! Now not only can I taste the 160s, I can see them from here (in fact, I was tempted to run around the block a few hundred times, reweigh myself, and finally see a six in that tens column, but reason prevailed).

But I am counting on seeing 169 or better next week (no measly 1/2 lb. loss is going to keep me from the Promised Land!), so my goal this week is to keep up the exercise. I want to make it to all 7 of my regularly scheduled gym classes, as well as the 2 sessions of a core training seminar being offered this week.

Then next Monday I'll have three reasons to celebrate: meeting my weekly goal, winning that weight-loss contest (surely!), and being the smallest I've ever been. I can hardly wait!

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