Tuesday, November 6, 2007

WEEK 16-2: Waste Not, Lose Not

In my family, wasting food is just not done. You eat what you take, period, end of sentence. (And of course we all have weight problems.) So the 17th step of the Beck Diet Solution was a challenge for me; the idea of throwing away perfectly good food just doesn't sit right with me.

I've made adjustments though, dividing restaurant meals in half and asking for a doggie bag or giving away leftovers at the end of a party. The hard part has been when there's just a little bit of food left over: too little for anyone to wrap up and take home but too much to finish on the spot. That food seems destined for the garbage can, and the taboo against waste is so strong...

But I threw away food today! Such a weird thing to celebrate, but it is a big accomplishment for me. It was only 4 butternut squash fries (baked and deliciously nutritious!), but everyone was full and it seemed silly to wrap up 4 little fries... I debated stuffing them into my mouth instead of the garbage can -- just 4 measly fries -- but I was full. And I was strong, so into the garbage they went!

Small triumphs like this one are really BIG HUGE DEALS because they keep me strong, keep me motivated. And that keeps me smaller and smaller and prouder and prouder.

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