Sunday, November 4, 2007

WEEK 15: Recap

I'm trying to keep up my enthusiasm, but it's being crushed under a wave of stress. Too many things to do, not enough time to do half of them.

Dr. Beck addressed scheduling time for dieting and reducing stress to improve dieting, and now that I reread my posts on those topics, I am torn between finding inspiration in them and snorting at the impossibility of fitting another task in my day. As it is, all I'm doing is working, sleeping, exercising, and blogging, and I'm just barely keeping up. I can't really afford to cut any of those things, but my participation in NaBloPoMo would be the first to go...

This stress is likely to be short-term though, so for now I'm just gritting my teeth, hoping to get through it, and trying to be calm about the negative effect on my diet. I just don't need diet stress on top of all the other stress!

With that in mind, I'm trying to give myself a break about the progress on my goals this week. For instance, I completely missed my teeny-weeny first goal of breaking out the pilates equipment. It just didn't happen.

My second goal of going to all 7 classes at the gym and really putting myself into them went better. I missed only 1 of the classes, and I really worked hard at the rest, so I'm counting this goal as successfully met.

My monster-sized third goal is an on-going project. Some days I did really well at stifling the urge to binge, but a couple of days I gave in and stuffed my face with gelato. I'm trying to convince myself that it could have been much worse so I shouldn't beat myself up too much.

A nice loss tomorrow would help me feel better about my progress this week. I'm so close to the 160s I can taste them... And I wouldn't mind binging on those elusive numbers!

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