Wednesday, November 28, 2007

WEEK 19-3: Happy Birthday! Part III

Tonight's birthday celebration was an Ethiopian dinner. Despite my triumphs in the past, tonight I acted like someone who's never even heard of Judith Beck and her Solution.

I went to dinner very hungry (too busy to eat since breakfast), so when I had finished half my entree, I still had room. So I kept going. The little voice that wanted to warn me this was a mistake was too busy listening to the little voice that was rationalizing that overeating wouldn't hurt because I had missed calories to make up for.

By the time I registered that I had passed comfortably full, there were only a few bites left. That was too little to put in a to-go box and heaven forfend I just just leave food on my plate(!), so instead I nibbled at it until it was all gone.

Ugh. How can so few sentences contain so many mistakes?! Not only am I suffering a tummy-ache and a tarnished track record, but I've also blown my goal of controlling my eating during this birthday celebration week. Plus there are 2 more dinners and a party before the week is over... At the moment I feel as if I never want to eat again, but that will change, so I need to get a grip on myself.

First, I'm going to reread Dr. Beck's advice for Day 30 and Day 20.

Second, I'm going to read my ARC and Response Cards immediately before those dinners and that party, to keep my goals and helpful thoughts firmly in mind.

Third, I'm going to remind myself how devastated I'll be if I start my 36th trip around the sun any heavier than I was at the end of my 35th trip!

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