Sunday, November 11, 2007

WEEK 16: Recap

What happened?

I started off this week so full of hope and resolve, and I kept it up for most of the week, meeting my weekly goal and even getting a peek at the promised land.

And then I hosted that rotten party. Sure, it seemed like fun at the time, but I did so much damage to my diet yesterday, it would have been hard to bounce back by tomorrow. Of course now it will be even harder because I made a behemoth of a boo-boo...

I started off today still full from yesterday (that's how bad it was!) and full of resolve to get in a good walk to counteract some of the damage. And I was doing really well with my diet, even resisting the bastard who kept trying to push cheesecake down my throat.

But then I got cozy on the couch in front of the TV and missed my last chance to go for a walk before tomorrow's weigh-in. I rationalized I would stay up late and put in some time on my rowing machine instead or pull out that pilates equipment or run through my step aerobics routine. Did I do any of those things? Oh, no, I did not.

Not only did I not do any of those things, I did something horrible. I had a cookie. A giant cookie slathered with buttercream frosting. And then I had another one. And another one. And another one. And then ANOTHER one. The only reason I stopped there was because I thought my stomach might literally burst open. If there's any bright spot to this disaster, it's the proof that I've come such a long way that I just can't binge like I used to. But that bright spot is very, very dim.

I really let myself down today. Skipping the much-needed exercise was bad enough, then making such a foolish decision to eat a stupid cookie made it worse. But to keep eating them, even as I thought to myself, You're just making it worse for tomorrow's weigh-in...

What happened?

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